Monday, July 8, 2013

New Way to Share & Alyssa's Birthday Party with the Ortiz family

Hello all! From now on, I will be sharing all family adventures and family photos through this blog.  I will share on Facebook as well, but if you want to save/print a photo, you can get a better photo quality by saving it from here.  Just right click and save. 

Anyhoo, I've been a little slow in getting pictures posted since December, and I still have a few good ones from Thanksgiving/Christmas to share with you.  Here are some of my favorites from little Alyssa's birthday party!




Christmas Adventures

I love Christmas! The lights, the family, the music, all of it.  It's just the warm feeling of home that Christmas brings.  No matter where you are, even if your family's far, you still get flooded with past Christmas memories, giving you that sense of coming home.  However, I write this with a little bit of heartbreak.  I have not posted these because I've been having some computer problems since December.  So I delayed transferring them from my camera to my computer.  Well about two weeks ago, I went to transfer them to my computer before our vacation, and I thought everything transferred just fine.  So I deleted the pics on my camera so that I could have a clean media card for vacation.  Since vacation, I have fixed the computer issue, and I went to look at pictures on the new computer, and I find that about 30 pictures from Christmas and this spring didn't transfer from my camera to my computer.  AGGGHHHH!!!! Including pictures that my mother-in-law was going to use for Christmas cards next year!!! OH MY! I feel so bad/sad/heartbroken.  :( Well I guess I've learned my lesson, always CHECK, CHECK, and DOUBLE CHECK again that your computer has transferred all photos BEFORE deleting the memory card photos.  SO UPSET!!!